A Fuzzy Vacation & Day Spa

Where pets come to relax, unwind and have a tail waggin' good time!

Welcome to our about us page!

Documentation of the Development Process: The purpose of this website is to help my “uncle” whom is in need of a website for his business. There was a need to get information out about this business, we provide many services and it can be overwhelming to have to remember and address all services to every customer we see. This websites goal was to display a dream like day spa and boarding service for pets of all kinds. I have a certificate in veterinary assisting, so this helped when it came time to ensuring that the information I provided was as accurate as possible.

Defense of the Final Product: When designing this website, I at first was going with a bubblier approach pinks, greens and some grays. However, as I was developing this I found that when you think of a spa most pages were white, gray and different shades of blue. I decided to go with that theme instead. I wanted to make this website informative but, also not overwhelming to the end user.

Home Page: This page was intended to store information about the business and fun happenings in the facility.

About Us: This page's intentions are to give the user an introduction about our goals and the team that will be providing them with service when they come to make an appointment.

Grooming: This page provides information on grooming services offered at the facility. This is information I wanted to provide as each grooming facility is different and runs things differently. One thing I thought was important was to keep prices better than the competition. I looked up local prices and then cut our prices down by $5.

Classes & Boarding: This page is meant to give the user an idea of what it would be like if their pet is staying with us! As well as the different classes we offer to customers who are either visiting or staying with us for an extended period.

Contact Us: This page is provided to give the user our contact information, as well as a form to leave a message and leave their contact information if so desired. This page also provides our office hours, and location.

Opportunities for Improvement and Growth: In the future I hope to improve this website with more happenings around the facility, Guests of the Week, An Online Store, testimonials, and pictures of the facility. If I had more time and resources, I would have made this website more “fun” very interactive, intuitive and unique. For future updates, pages that I would like to add are listed above.

Meet Our Team!


Dr. Jacqueline Normandy, DVM, PLa, AVMA


Animal enthusiast, and has been practicing veterinary medicine for over 25 years! Your pet is in the best care with Dr. Jacqueline Normandy!



Mike Ross, LG, HIMN, DS, CS

Licensed Animal Stylist

Mike has been a professional animal stylist for over 15 years! There is no breed he can't style, cats, dogs he does it all!



Morris, CESF, TBF, SC, JBT

Certified Emotional Support Feline

Where would we be without Morris! He helps animals of all kinds have a relaxed and enjoyable time at the spa!
